Connect letters to find words.
A new board shuffles every 2 minutes, allowing everyone in the room to compete for a high score.
Swipe across the tiles to connect them - you can also tap or type.
Each letter has a point value:
A,E,I,O,U,L,N,S,T,R = 1 point
D,G = 2 points
B,C,M,P = 3 points
F,H,V,W,Y = 4 points
K = 5 points
J,X = 8 points
Q,Z = 10 points
The points of the letters are then multiplied based on the length of the word. The longer the word,
the more points:
5 letters: 2x the points
6 letters: 3x the points
7 letters: 4x the points
8+ letters: 5x the points
For example QUIZZES is worth (10 + 1 + 1 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 1) x 4 = 136 points!
Boggle Live uses the North American Scrabble Players Association word list, modified with swear words removed.